
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Winter Spirits 2013

The first November rains arrived yesterday, and the cooler weather makes getting up early for a brisk walk and some exercise surprisingly easier. I look forward to the clean air and the colors and textures of the changing season expressed through bright yellow, reds and oranges in the trees and on the ground, wet rocks and black mud.

 We hardly ever see extreme weather. One or two thundershowers might make the news. Maybe a enough rain will make the earth swell and shift in some remote development in the hills far from the urban areas. But for the most part, the weather by the bay is mild this time of year, which makes studies like these both pleasant and possible.

I rarely speak of how much artists like Brian Froud and Alan Lee have inspired and influenced me since childhood. Alan Lee in particular has published in the past some pencil work from his nature walks, so you might see a feeble attempt at emulating some of his line and detail work in these quick studies.

 These recent sketches reflect my mild interest in legends of fairies, trolls, and other mythical forest creatures. Because I already tend to let my imagination run wild during these walks, it makes sense to try and transform more of what I see into the stuff of dreams and fantasy. I still dream of compiling my own collection of creatures, which is something that has been in the back of my mind since around 2004 during my days of posting regulalry at Elfwood.

I can probably commit to about three or four of these per week until the cold makes my fingers too numb to draw and paint


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