It's strange how quickly I'm reconnecting with people from school whom I haven't seen in a long time via Facebook.
I sent a box of Christopher Elbow chocolates to a friend who just moved from California to New York. They arrived in a special insulated box. She had to wait a few extra days to get them because FedEx woudln't leave them at her door. The company made arrangements with FedEx to send them to her job, but they ended up at her door anyway and could have gotten stolen. But everything worked out.
I'm working on a redo of the Ash piece that won me my Photoshop Users Award. Kev Ferrara and KingShaj from ConceptArt.org gave me some good pointers and pushed me to try a stronger, more expressive pose. The new version evolved into a kind of firefighter who has just survived being overtaken by a wildfire. I'm calling her a "quickliner" based on the idea of her being able to dig a trench with the speed of a crew of ten or more, using her special shovel.
I would like to spend a couple of days just drawing, inking and coloring anime-style characters for practice. I've accumulated a lot of sketches that would look good finished. I also need to update my website.