I was up early this morning and decided to takeon the dragon's shell and the sky. The blankness of the sky had been bugging me, and I decided to go all out on areas suggesting patches of blue sky peeking through the purple haze. There's a kind of turquoise blue that I've seen in oils and acrylics that until now I've never been able to mix. This time I got pretty close. I worked with a mix of pthalo blue, titanium white, and cadmium lemon yellow. The darker areas have a bit of ultramarine blue. Some of my favorite dragon paintings have amazing, colorful skies. I also tried some warm yellows and oranges on the peaks of some of the ridges on the dragon's underside.
The rocks closest to the figures may need to be reworked a bit. They look like globs of dried poo.
I have a set of basic Golden Open Studio colors that I may experiment with on the remaining details on the skin of the acolytes.
I think your adding interest to the sky itself was the better choice over adding more dragons (but I acknowledge painting dragons might’ve been more fun)!
Excellent work! I think you have something spectacular going here.
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